07 May 2014

10. Entertain the team with emails written in (im)proper English

Image courtesy rakratchada torsap / Freedigitalphotos.net
As the last post in the series 10 (un)common mistakes to avoid in Project Management, I conclude the series with this post. here are some lines extracted from emails written. The lines have not been modified and I will leave it to the reader to interpret some of the meanings. If this becomes impossible or if you end up doubling in laughter or both, go to the end of the post where I have put in some hints about the lines. I have highlighted the faux pas in bold and italics. Some of them are really priceless nuggets. Have fun
  1. … let us give pleasure to the client …
  2. I don't what you to advice or work on any problem......
  3. If [Person] what any information from your end or what your input for any …...
  4. Let's discusses in detail when we come there......
  5. I thought much , now can a they say the submission is on [day of the week] . All the tender which you see in [Place], they is no fixed date for submission. Anyways we will submit the same on [Date] .
  6. I don't what you to work on your …....
  7. How whats the problem …...
  8. we have haired him has [Designation]. I what him to do that...
  9. he what's [Place] team to make a ….
  10. I what this to be done before …..
  11. they what Engineers full time....
  12. Please advice , so that we don't what 100 idea in between. I what every one.....
  13. Please note - Team is busy with Project can waste time in training every day. Let's do it once and close it asap.
  • For the first one read pleasure as pressure
  • Read what as want
  • Now and how are interchangeable
  • they and there are interchangeable
Links to the previous posts
9. Don’t govern by threats
8. Support the team on the Ground
7. Provide Mission Critical information to the Project Team
6. Resource appropriately
5. How to (not) do your budget in five easy steps
4. Read the contract you just signed
3. Don't promise the impossible in a ridiculous timeframe
2. How (not) to win a contract
1. New Business Areas

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